What is PRP? (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP Therapy - Platelet Rich PlasmaPLATELET RICH PLASMA (abbreviated PRP) is the name given to a treatment done to stimulate healing which involves injection of one's own growth factors into injured areas.

Uses for PRP in musculoskeletal medicine include treatment of tendonopathy, tendonosis, acute and chronic muscle strain, ligament sprains and intra-articular injuries and joint pain such as arthritis and knee meniscus damage.

 The process involves taking blood from the patient, spinning it down to growth factor rich platelets, then injecting that back into the injured area. PRP has been used in musculoskeletal medicine as early as the 1990's, and since the 1980's in surgical and dental procedures.

The theory and technique behind PRP is similar to that of Prolotherapy (proliferation therapy). Typically Prolotherapy treatments are done first, and often will handle the musculoskeletal problem. But if results from traditional Prolotherapy treatments are not sufficient, PRP may be employed. PRP, like Prolotherapy, is an office procedure.

Hair Regeneration

PRP can be effective in treating the following conditions:

  • Male pattern hair loss - especially in the early stages of balding, or when there is a lot of miniaturized hair on the scalp
  • Female pattern hair loss - in all stages
  • Hair loss due to metabolic causes, such as iron deficiency or caused by medication
  • Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Totalis

What science has to say

"PRP injection is a simple, cost effective and feasible treatment option for androgenic alopecia, with high overall patient satisfaction."

"A significant reduction in hair loss was observed between first and fourth injection. Hair count increased from average number of 71 hair follicular units to 93 hair follicular units. Therefore , average mean gain is 22.09 follicular units per cm2 ." [1]

"The data clearly highlight the positive effects of PRP injections on male pattern hair loss and absence of major side effects. PRP may serve as a safe and effective treatment option against hair loss; more extensive controlled studies are needed." [2]

"In conclusion, intra-perifollicular injections of autologous PRP and/or PDRN generate improvements in hair thickness and density in FPHL patients." [3]

PRP Breast Augmentation

Although it will not double your cup size, PRP Breast Augmentation is an alternative to surgical. implants. It has been reported to:

  • reshape and round up the breasts
  • lift up saggy breasts
  • improve the shape and contour of cleavage
  • eliminate stretch marks
  • correct inverted nipples
  • increase the sensitivity of breasts and nipples

In addition, PRP Breast Augmentation has been proven effective in correcting rippled breast implants.

How it works

First, blood is drawn from the patient's arm, then the blood is then centrifuged to obtain a Platelet Rich Plasma, rich in growth factors. This PRP is then mixed with plasma proteins from the same blood draw and injected into the breasts. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. The level of discomfort is similar to having blood drawn or getting any other cosmetic injections. There is no downtime and the results are noticeable within a few days. It takes about two months for the full results. The results last a year or longer, and in some cases can be permanent.

[1] Platelet-Rich Plasma in Androgenic Alopecia: Myth or an Effective Too. Swapna S Khatu, Yuvraj E More, Neeta R Gokhale, Dipali C Chavhan, and Nitin Bendsure J Cutan Aesthet Surg. 2014 Apr-Jun; 7(2): 107-110.

[2] The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Hair Regrowth: A Randomized Placebo- Controlled Trial. Gentile P, Garcovich S, Bielli A, Scioli MG, Orlandi A, Cervelli V. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2015 Nov;4(11):1317-23.

[3] Therapeutic efficacy of autologous platelet-rich plasma and polydeoxyribonucleotide on female pattern hair loss. Lee SH, Zheng Z, Kang JS, Kim DY, Oh SH, Cho SB.

The Priapus® Shot I P-Shot

Priapus® Shot is a procedure designed to treat erectile dysfunction , improve sexual response, and rejuvenate the male sexual organ. The usual results include:

  • Improved and longer lasting erections
  • Larger, stronger and straighter penis
  • Increased sensation and pleasure
  • Customized size increase; the base or the head
  • Better response to therapies such as Viagra or Cialis

How it works

The blood is drawn from the patient's arm. The blood is then centrifuged to obtain a Platelet Rich Plasma, and treated with calcium chloride solution to activate the growth factors. The PRP is then injected using a tiny needle into the penis. Since the penis has been numbed with the anesthetic cream prior to injection, there is very little to no pain. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes.