Adult Stem Cell Treatment

PRP Therapy - Platelet Rich PlasmaADULT STEM CELLS are found in a variety of tissues in the body. The type of stem cells that are particularly useful in the treatment of musculo-skeletal injuries are called mesenchymal stem cells. These progenitor cells ( cells that have the ability to form into the type of cells surrounding them ) are found in several different tissues, but are most abundant in bone marrow and adipose ( fat ) tissue, especially fat.

It is estimated that there are approximately 500-1000 times as many adult mesenchymal stem cells in fat as there are in bone marrow. These progenitor cells have the ability to form bone, muscle, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. These are the primary tissues of interest in the treatment of musculo-skeletal pain disorders. The adipose stem cells are obtained by performing a mini liposuction procedure in which 25 – 50cc of fat is removed from the patient, and then the fat is passed through a filter and centrifuged to remove excess water. This homogeneous fat is then mixed with platelet rich plasma that is derived from the same donor’s blood to provide growth factors for the progenitor cells contained within the fat and to form a gel matrix for the growth of the progenitor cells. This mixture of autologous fat graft and platelet rich plasma is then injected, usually under ultrasound guidance, into the damaged musculo-skeletal structures and acts to regenerate and heal them.

It should be understood that these are adult progenitor cells ( stem cells ) and not fetal stem cells. They are obtained from the patient, and put back into the same patient, on the same day during the same procedure and not modified, isolated, or manipulated, and is in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulation part 1271 where as no tissue is transferred to another patient or stored for future procedures. As this is an emerging new field of medicine, adult stem cell therapy has been approved for the start of early clinical trials though currently does not have FDA approval, however, other cellular therapies have been recently approved.

This procedure is preformed in the office and surgical anesthesia is not necessary, so the patient is usually able to return home immediately after the procedure is finished with minimal post procedural pain.